TMJ Syndrome
TMJ syndrome is usually due tendon and muscle injury in the Temporomandibular joint area. TMJ disorders have many signs and symptoms. Some of the most common include the following:
• Pain in or around the ear. This pain often spreads to the face.
• Tenderness of the jaw muscles.
• Clicking/popping noises when one opens or closes the mouth.
• Difficulty in opening one's mouth.
• Jaws that get stuck, lock, or go out.
• Pain brought on by yawning, chewing, or opening the mouth widely.
• Certain types of headaches or neck aches.
Treatment requires 5-6 FASTT Patches to treat the Temporomandibular joint area (2 medium FASTT Patches and 3 small FASTT Patches) to heal tendon and muscle injury.
If there is still pain remaining in the joint after FASTT Patch treatment, it is an indication that the joint cartilage is also damaged and requires treatment of the joint area with 3 -6 small WHITEE Patches to heal joint cartilage damage.
We recommend wearing each patch for 48 hours (2 days) and taking a 24 hour break before applying the next one.
For TMJ syndrome which is a secondary problem caused by other disorders such as irregular biting or teeth grinding at night, the primary cause has to be addressed to prevent any TMJ Syndrome in the future.