Inflammation Stage Tendonitis

A tendon is the end part of a muscle that attaches the muscle to the bone. The normally very elastic and soft muscle tapers off at the end to form the much more dense and stiff tendon. While this density makes the tendons stronger, the lack of elasticity of the tendon and the constant pulling on its attachment to the bone with movement, makes it much more susceptible to a low level of tearing at a microscopic level. This tearing will produce the inflammation and irritation known as tendinitis. Often spelled tendonitis, either spelling is correct for this condition. Tendonitis is usually seen after excessive repetitive movement with which the tendon gradually becomes tighter until the fibers start to tear. Common areas for inflammation are the elbow, wrist, biceps, shoulder (including rotator cuff attachments), leg, knee (patellar), ankle, hip, and Achilles.

Symptoms can vary from an achy pain and stiffness to the local area of the tendon, to a burning that surrounds the whole joint around the inflamed tendon. With this condition, the pain is usually worse during and after activity, and the tendon and joint area can become stiffer the following day.

For inflammation stage tendonitis, such as tennis elbow, rotator cuff, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Achilles tendonitis, Patellar tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, groin tendonitis and hip tendonitis, as well as the tendon tear such as rotator cuff tear that are in the acute condition (usually less than 3 months old), recovery can be achieved within 1-2 weeks with 3 FASTT Patches treatment.

For tendonitis in chronic conditions (usually over 3 months), tendonitis due to overuse, or patients of a mature age, recovery can be achieved with a course of 6 FASTT Patches treatment. For such chronic condition, patients usually experience pain reduction at the end of 2nd patch treatment. If there is no pain reduction at all after treatment with 3 FASTT Patches, it may indicate a cartilage injury or early stage osteoarthritis and will requires treatment with 3-6 WHITEE Patches on the joint.

For tendonitis due to overuse, work load should be reduced during the treatment. A biomechanical or ergonomic evaluation is recommended after the treatment to prevent further injury. For tendonitis in degeneration stage charactertized by calcification and/or scar tissues - complete healing may not be achieved with treatment of 6 FASTT Patches. Treatment with additional 3-6 WHITEE Patches is recommended for better results.

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