Bone Fractures
A fracture is most often caused by some type of trauma to a bone. This trauma might occur as a result of a fall, physical abuse, motor vehicle accident, or disease. Normal, everyday activities can cause bone fractures in people with diseases that weaken the bones.
In general, a bone fracture results in pain, swelling, and, sometimes, bruising from internal bleeding. The patient cannot bear weight or pressure on the injured area, and may be unable to move it without severe pain. The soft tissues around the broken bone may also be injured. The area around or below the fracture may feel numb or paralyzed due to a loss of pulse in that area. There are many different types of fractures. These include a closed or simple, fracture, in which the skin around the fractured bone is not broken. An open, or compound, fracture, does include a break in the skin, revealing the bone and making the wound more susceptible to infection. A fracture is called complete if the break is the whole way through the bone, and incomplete (or greenstick) if the break is partial. Greenstick fractures are more commonly seen in children.
Stress fractures are small cracks in a bone that occur over time as a result of repeated activities that put stress on the bone. There are many other classifications of fractures according to characteristics such as where they occur and their appearance. A person can have just one fracture or multiple fractures at the same time.
For stress facture, rib fracture and other types of bone fractures in acute condition, a treatment with 3-6 FASTT Patches is recommended. For non-union fractures, a treatment with 6 FASTT Patches may be required to achieve complete healing. If the bone has been broken completely, an orthopedic adjustment is necessary before applying the FASTT Patch and a cast is required to allow the bones to grow together.
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